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You may call or text 512-865-6276 to activate your open burning permit

Outdoor Burning 


If you plan on burning within Travis County ESD 11, Caldwell Hays ESD 1, City of Creedmoor, or City of Uhland please obtain a free permit at​


Outdoor fires other than recreational 3x2’  require to have an approved permit. 


For outdoors burn rules


General Rules for Burning


 - Burning will begin no sooner than one hour after sunrise and must be completed on the same day not later than one hour before sunset. The area must be attended by a responsible party at all times during the active burn phase when the fire is progressing.


 - If the burning causes or may tend to cause smoke to blow onto or across a road or highway, the person initiating the burn is responsible for posting flag-persons on affected roads.


 - Electrical insulation, treated lumber, plastics, non-wood construction/demolition materials, heavy oils, asphaltic materials, potentially explosive materials, chemical wastes, and items containing natural or synthetic rubber cannot be burned


 - Outdoor burning is authorized for fires used for recreational or ceremonial purposes, for the noncommercial preparation of food, or for supplying warmth in cold weather. In other words, campfires, bonfires, and cooking fires are generally allowed.


 - Household trash or rubbish (domestic waste) may be burned at a property designed for and used exclusively as a private residence that houses not more than three families, only when collection of domestic waste is not provided or authorized by the local government entity having jurisdiction, and when the waste is generated only from that property.  Domestic waste includes such things as kitchen garbage, untreated lumber, cardboard boxes, packaging (including plastics and rubber), clothing, grass, leaves, and branch trimmings. Items such as tires, non-wood construction debris, furniture, carpet, electrical wire, and appliances are not considered domestic waste and cannot be burned.


Outdoor Burning Do's and Dont's 



8203 S US 183 HWY

Austin, TX 78747

P: (512) 243-3477

F: (512) 243-1950

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Control Burn Phone Number:

(512) 243-0000

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